How do I disclose my criminal record? | Nacro *

How do I disclose my criminal record?



Disclosing a criminal record is more than just telling someone about an offence that you have committed. It is your opportunity to explain in your own words the circumstances behind your offending, and to demonstrate how you have positively moved on in your life.

This is a practical guide for anyone that has been asked to disclose their criminal record. You may have been asked to disclose your criminal record when applying for a new job, college course, university course or housing. The guide offers a step-by-step process on how to disclose your criminal record in an effective manner and with confidence.

If you are unsure as to whether you need to disclose your criminal record, please read our guides: Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 for roles covered by the ROA 1974 and What do I need to disclose? for roles subject to the ROA Exceptions Order.

You can also obtain free, confidential advice from Nacro’s Criminal Record Support Service on 0300 123 1999 or

How should I disclose my criminal record?

You may have been asked to disclose your criminal record on an application form or as part of a conversation during the interview or admissions process. Providing a written disclosure statement rather than simply filling out the criminal record declaration box in the application form or simply having a conversation is often more effective.

For more information, please download this resource.


Discover our Criminal Record Support Service

Our Criminal Record Support Service offers free, confidential advice and guidance on criminal record related issues. We help individuals to understand their rights when asked to disclose a criminal record and how best to approach disclosure. We also help individuals and practitioners to understand the rules relating to criminal records. We can also advocate on a person’s behalf if they have been treated unfairly when trying to access employment, education and training.

To find out more, see our Criminal Record Support Service information.