Our work in housing
We believe that everyone deserves a safe and secure place to live. It’s this foundation that everything else is built on.
We run supported housing and floating support services across England and Wales, working in partnership with the people we support and external agencies, enabling people to progress towards independence. Our services range from intensive and high need, including 24-hour services, through to low-level support, dependent on need.
We have extensive experience of supporting people who are marginalised or have complex needs and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We have tailored housing services for young people and care leavers, women, ex-service personnel and people coming out of prison. We are experienced in supporting people who have substance misuse issues, mental health problems or additional support needs.
housed and supported every night.
82 %
of our tenants
are happy with the service from Nacro.
100 %
young people
in Lincolnshire NEST in education, training or employment.
Our approach
When someone is first referred to us we conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, making sure we are the right place for them. We work with each person as an individual and take a strength-based approach so we understand what they are capable of. We create a person-centred support plan, as well as a safety plan for them and the community around them. We use a range of outcome tools to ensure clear goals for the people we work with.
- Nothing about you, without you:Â we make sure the people we support are involved every step of the way
- Training:Â all our staff are trained, supported and managed to deliver excellent support
- Robust safeguarding: our safeguarding team use real-time information to drive continuous improvement
- Transparency and accountability:Â We maintain regular audits and have a comprehensive quality assurance framework
- Psychologically informed approach:Â We recognise many of the people we work with have experienced trauma which continues to impact them. We train our staff to understand the underlying causes and to support people in a psychologically informed way.
Our services
Our NEST service provides supported housing for young people, including care leavers, who would otherwise be homeless or at risk of homelessness. We tailor our housing and support to each young person’s needs and provide a range of accommodation options from high-need to move-on. We run our NEST services across Essex and Lincolnshire, funded by Essex County Council and Lincolnshire County Council.
“This service has proven invaluable in helping us to support some of our most complex young people in some of the most challenging circumstances. The NEST team work tirelessly with LCC staff to deliver high quality outcomes whilst providing beautiful and well-appointed accommodation”. Andy Morris, Corporate Parenting Manager, Lincolnshire County Council.
We run specialist supported housing services for women who are marginalised and with complex needs. We understand the specific and different experiences many women go through and we take a psychologically informed approach to our work. We support women in a number of different areas of the country. Read more about our services for women in Manchester and Peterborough.
We provide supported housing to people who have been through the criminal justice system, including those recently out of prison. We know that having somewhere safe and secure to live and the right support is critical to someone’s chance of moving forwards with their life and reducing reoffending.
Our extensive experience and track-record of success makes us a trusted partner. We run supported housing services commissioned by Local Authorities such as in Nottingham, Wandsworth and Birmingham, working in partnership and taking a multi-agency approach. Funded by the Ministry of Justice, our Community Accommodation Service Tier 2 -CAS-2 houses and supports people across England and Wales on bail or released from prison on licence to help them move onto independent crime-free lives.
Our dedicated supported housing schemes for ex-service personnel support residents to access the support they need to help them recover from physical mental or social injury following their time in service. Our service in Manchester works in collaboration with Walking with the Wounded to deliver cognitive psychological services, access to employment and training opportunities,
“I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder for years. I was in the forces for 18 years and found myself homeless through no fault of my own after leaving. Then I came here. I immediately hit it off with people, the community atmosphere is as close as it’s ever been in the forces. the staff are amazing, I felt so listened to. I had given up, but now I know I can have a future with the knowledge and belief that I’ll be able to work again.” Warren, Manchester.
We provide supported housing for people who have previously slept rough on the streets. We know how important having somewhere safe and secure to stay is and ensure they can access the support they need.
We provide support to people who need help to manage their homes, preventing homelessness and allowing people to live independently. We work with the people we support to tailor a package of help which responds to their individual needs. Funded by Local Authorities, we deliver floating support services in a number of areas such as Birmingham, Carmarthenshire, and Gwynedd. See the areas we run floating support services here.
We run a number of housing services under the Housing First principles. This model prioritises moving people experiencing homelessness quickly into housing and then providing additional support and services as needed. Find out more about our Housing First service in Carmarthenshire.

If you are a tenant and want information, to pay your rent, or report a repair, please visit

Video: Our work in housing
Peter, our Director of Housing and Support, discusses our work in housing and what drew him to Nacro.

Spotlight on a housing service
Lincolnshire NEST provides accommodation with support to young people aged 16 and 17, and care leavers up to 21, who would otherwise have been homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Half of the young people we’ve helped have already moved on to independent living. 100% of the young people we’ve supported have engaged in some form of education, training or employment.

It was tough. I’m really thankful that Nacro picked me up. It’s a very supportive living accommodation, which I think is really good thing. Being able to see a friendly face every day, to have a little chat it was a big thing. That's what I mean by the amazing support.Roger, 55

Partner with us
We are always looking for new ways to reduce homelessness.
Our partnership with social investment firm Resonance meant that during the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to house and support people who were rough sleeping in London. Resonance’s Everyone In Fund brought in social investment to buy one-bedroom properties in London. The fund expects to safely house and support around 200 people over its lifetime and won Major Project of the Year at 2022’s Better Society Awards.
We work in partnership with housing associations, charities and local authorities. We always welcome conversations about partnerships, please email business.development@nacro.org.uk or visit our partnership pages to find out more.
We particularly work alongside landlords to house our services users and provide move on accommodation. Find out more about our work with landlords..