Simon Clarke MP visits SWITCH for roundtable discussion
Nacro’s Supporting Women in the Community and Home (SWITCH) project team held a roundtable discussion on Friday 19 January, which followed recent visits to the SWITCH project from Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, and Simon Clarke, Conservative MP for Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland. Simon Clarke MP and numerous local stakeholders came together to raise awareness about the project and discuss the impact for women in the local community. Simon Clarke MP and Lisa Capper, Principal and Director of Education and Skills at Nacro, took part in interviews with BBC Tees Radio during the event, which resulted in repeated ‘rolling news’ mentions and interviews throughout the afternoon drivetime show. You can listen to the mentions and interviews here.
SWITCH’s existing Big Lottery funding ceases on 31 March 2018. Without further funds, this vital service will be under threat. Help us keep supporting vulnerable women in Tees Valley by donating to SWITCH here.