Supported Housing Manchester | Women's Services | Nacro

Women’s Housing CONNECT Manchester


Manchester, UK

What we do

Our Women’s Housing CONNECT Manchester supported housing service, Longden House, in Manchester is a trauma-informed service helping women who have complex needs. They may have substance misuse issues, be domestic abuse survivors, or have mental health issues, been involved in sex work, or have contact with the justice system.

We support vulnerable women in a psychologically informed environment, helping them reconnect with loved ones and engage with the local communities. We help them to move on with their lives and away from their difficult past.

How to refer

All referrals for Longden House are made through Manchester Access & Support (MAS) Gateway, an online assessment and referral system from Manchester City Council. You cannot self-refer through the MAS Gateway.

Agencies wishing to make a referral will need to have access to the MAS Gateway. Email the MAS Gateway Team for information.

For general enquires call 0161 371 5363.