Recovery Near You | Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service

Recovery Near You


5-9 Pitt Street, Wolverhampton WV3 0NF, UK


What we do

Recovery Near You (Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service) is a free, confidential service for anyone in Wolverhampton concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking or drug use.

We work to help people put their drug and alcohol problems behind them, move on to find a job and rebuild their relationships.

Working in both one-to-one and group settings, our staff help people to improve their health and wellbeing. We also offer medical help to prevent blood-borne viruses and run a needle exchange scheme. All of our assessments are free and confidential.

Our fully qualified staff, along with our volunteers and mentors, are trained to help with the full range of problems associated with drugs and alcohol. After addressing any immediate concerns, we work with people to bring about the more permanent changes they want in their lives. We also advise professionals like GPs, pharmacists, social workers and probation officers so that they can work more effectively on drug and alcohol related issues.

For more information on our work go to


Recovery Near You is for anyone concerned about their, or someone else’s drinking or drug use, who live in the Wolverhampton area.

Partners and funders

Aquarius logo

  • 2852

    People reached

  • 333

    Completed treatment

How to refer

To refer to Recovery Near You, please call 0300 200 2400. You can also speak to one of our experts anonymously via our live chat system on the Recovery Near You website.

Referral forms are also available on the Recovery Near You website. We accept referrals from GPs, the police, social workers, and mental health teams. Forms can be emailed to us.



image of recovery near you, substance misuse service van and staff 2

The Recovery Near You roadshow

For six months from March 2022 the service’s NHS team travelled around the local area offering an array of different services. These included a needle exchange, blood testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, and assessments to anyone who passed by.

The project got off to a great start with 130 people visiting on the first day.

Wolverhampton saw the number of drug-related deaths increase six-fold compared to 2019, according to data from the Office for National Statistics. This is one of the worst figures in the region, with a death toll of 29.

In an effort to reduce the numbers of drug related deaths, the mobile unit offered Naloxone, a medication that reverses the effects of opioids in the body. We gave one Naloxone kit out in the first week and a total of 11 during the six month period; along with 83 harm reduction interventions. In addition, one of our outreach workers supplied homeless service users with additional Naloxone kits. And we provided additional training sessions on overdose awareness and Naloxone to partner agencies. Everyone we supported at Recovery Near You was offered Naloxone and/or additional kits.