Nacro Supported Housing Liverpool | Nacro *

Nacro Supported Housing Liverpool


272 Picton Road, Wavertree, Liverpool L15 4LF, UK


What we do

We offer housing related support across 11 units with 24-hour supported housing for people with an offending background, those on probation aged 18 and over with 2-night staff working alternative night shifts and 3 Day support workers working a shift pattern covering 24 Hours.

Service users are supported in gaining the abilities to live independently. We offer sign posting to support agencies for specific personal needs that support service users in addressing challenging issues including: registering with housing providers, supporting with DWP, Physical and Mental health needs.


To be eligible a person must:

  • Aged 18 years and over
  • Be on Probation with Low level support needs

How to refer

Referrals are made from probation via Housing Options