Nacro Rough Sleepers Housing London | Nacro *

Nacro Rough Sleepers Housing London


London, UK

What we do

The Rough Sleeper Housing programme provides self-contained flats for up to two years with a support worker to individuals who have a history of rough sleeping. This enables them to make the difficult transition from the streets into their own accommodation. Our service offers a high level of floating support to over 50 tenants.

We offer wraparound support ranging from having a cup of tea and a catch-up, to helping tenants to manage their tenancies. We provide support with:

  • drug, alcohol, and mental health issues
  • building links helping individuals integrate into the wider community
  • signposting to training and work opportunities in order to make the change needed to help tenants gain confidence and move forward with their lives.


To be eligible for this service a person must:

  • have been sleeping rough or be at risk of rough sleeping
  • have identified support needs that show they are unlikely to manage a tenancy without additional support.

Funders and partners

Logo for the Greater London Authority

How to refer

Referrals are via the Clearing House on behalf of the Great London Authority.