Lincolnshire NEST Care Leavers Homeless Prevention | Nacro

Lincolnshire NEST Care Leavers Homeless Prevention Service


Lincolnshire, UK


What we do

Nacro Education Support and Transition Care Leavers Homeless Prevention (NEST CLHP) helps children in care and care leavers aged 18 – 25 across Lincolnshire to find and maintain suitable housing.

Our dedicated Transition Team focuses on ensuring earlier accommodation planning for those who have left care, or are leaving care, and need support to sustain their accommodation or to find suitable accommodation.

We also run a separate service for young people who need accommodation and support in Lincolnshire.


Lincolnshire NEST CLHP is open to all Lincolnshire children in care and care leavers who are homeless or in unsuitable accommodation, or those who need some housing related support to maintain their accommodation.

The service is not open to young people already housed in NEST accommodation.

Where self-referrals are received care leaver status will be confirmed with Lincolnshire County Council/Barnardos before services are offered.

Partners and funders

How to refer

Referrals can be made by:

  • care leavers (self-referral)
  • professionals leading the support of a young person.

Email us for more information or call 01522 565978.