Reform of the Rehabilitation of Offenders | Nacro Response

Reform of the Rehabilitation of Offenders: Nacro response



Criminal record disclosure is one of the fundamental barriers that prevent people with criminal records securing employment, often unnecessarily. We generally welcome reforms that reduce the length of time a person must disclose and endorse the position that people receiving custodial sentences of more than four years should be included in the right to withhold information about their convictions after a certain period of time.

However, for the system to be fair and proportionate, disclosure periods must be consistent with the severity of the sentence/disposal. We are concerned that reforming disclosure periods for community and custodial sentences in isolation from the other (more common) disposals will create disproportionality: in some cases, people convicted of less serious offences will be obliged to disclose them for longer than those with more serious convictions.

This cannot happen.

Find out more about criminal record disclosure here