Learn Without Limits Policy Paper | Nacro *

Learn Without Limits Policy Paper



Too many young people are being held back from achieving their potential, unable to gain the skills that they need to achieve what they want with their lives. We have launched our ‘Learn Without Limits’ campaign to ensure that no young person is left without the vital qualifications and opportunities to progress.

We are asking for:

  1. Pupil Premium Plus – an extension of Pupil Premium funding into all post-16 settings for those who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), identify as having a special education need or disability (SEND), or who fall within the ‘children in need’ (CIN) classification
  2. Digital Inclusion Guarantee – ensuring guaranteed learning devices and data for all disadvantaged young people, that providers have the digital infrastructure necessary for online learning, and that all staff are digitally enabled
  3. Pathways to work or higher learning – through the provision of a broad-range of high-quality vocational qualifications at level 2 and below, which lead directly to employment or towards higher level skills

Find out more about Learn Without Limits hereĀ