Seeking partners to rehabilitate probation service users | Nacro *
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Seeking partners to rehabilitate probation service users


About Nacro

Nacro’s goal is to reduce reoffending and help people both in prison and on release to change their lives and positively reintegrate into society. We operate in 30 prisons, young offender institutions and one secure training centre, offering a wide range of intervention, education, advice, guidance and practical support. In 2018/19 we ensured that 3,634 people left custody with safe and secure permanent accommodation to move on to and we help them to change their lives and, through one of our projects, we enabled a 72% reduction in reoffending.

HMPPS’ Dynamic Framework

On behalf of the Ministry of Justice, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) is establishing a framework to provide a route to purchase rehabilitative and resettlement services from July 2021 onwards. HMPPS is seeking suppliers that can demonstrate expertise in delivering tailored support, relating to specific areas of need, to those being supervised by the National Probation Service.

Working in partnership

Nacro is keen to build a supply chain of organisations with tangible expertise and experience in providing high-quality, impactful rehabilitative and resettlement support that changes lives.

Across multiple geographies across England and Wales, we intend to bid across multiple pathways, and we are keen to hear from organisations with expertise in delivering services within the following pathways:

  • Accommodation
  • Education, Training and Employment (ETE)
  • Finance, Benefits and Debt (FBD)
  • Family and significant others
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Social inclusion
  • Cognitive and behavioural change
  • BAME-specific support
  • Young adults (18-25-year olds)

If you are interested in supporting Nacro to change lives, build stronger communities and reduce crime, please download and complete our Expression of Interest form and email it to by 5pm on Friday 31st July 2020.

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact our Business Development team on the above email address to find out more.