Plunging for pets | Nacro *

Plunging for pets


Would you plunge 160ft tied to just a bungee rope to raise money for charity?

Well, that’s exactly what Andy Morris did for Lincolnshire NEST, a housing and support service for vulnerable young people, including care leavers, who are at risk of homelessness.

Lincolnshire County Council corporate parent manager Andy works very closely with Lincolnshire NEST, which is part of national charity Nacro.

The money Andy raises will go towards adopting a pet to live with the young people, to help them to cope in tough times.

He said: “In some of the saddest and most difficult times in life, my pets have always been there. I love my animals and I know how important having a pet to love and care for is, it’s good for emotional growth and emotional wellbeing.”

Man standing on Salford Quays wearing a puffa jacket, after a bungee jump.

Andy Morris after his 160ft bungee jump

Taking the plunge

On Sunday 16th April, Andy woke up at 6am and travelled 150 miles up to Salford Quays in Manchester to undertake his 160ft plunge.

His efforts haven’t been in vain. So far Andy has raised over £1,600 to adopt an animal for the young people and pay for its ongoing care and medical bills.

Sarah Caskie-Hefferman, Nacro area manager for Lincolnshire NEST, said: “When Andy heard that one of the things our young people struggle with by not being at home, is living without their animals, he was on board with helping Nacro create an opportunity for young people in NEST to be part of Lincolnshire’s first youth housing therapy pet initiative.  We will now look to adopt an animal for young people to care for and learn about pet ownership.

“We are in awe of his bravery and are so very grateful to everyone who sponsored him to help us to take the next steps to make our therapy pet initiative reality. It just goes to show not all heroes wear capes, some bungee jump!”

The JustGiving page for Andy’s jump is still open for donations for anyone wanting to support his flying efforts.

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Picture of two men about to bunjee jump

Watch Andy take the plunge