Our EDI Committee panel discussion on the trans experience

Our EDI Committee panel discussion on the trans experience


Every person regardless of their gender identity deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This is particularly relevant for members of the trans community, who are presently being demonised and widely persecuted by the media and sections of society.

In the UK there is a legal obligation for employers to protect employees from discrimination based on gender identity (The Equality Act 2010). However, Nacro, as an organisation, strongly and intrinsically believes, regardless of any legal obligations, that everyone, both staff and service-users, should feel happy and comfortable in expressing their identity and unique sense of self.

Research shows (Deloitte, 2013; Ram et al 2013; Stonewall 2015) that educating staff on transgender issues can: improve employee retention; create a more efficient and harmonious workspace; promote growth, empathy and awareness; nurture a more collaborative and cohesive working environment; create safe spaces for all staff leading to greater engagement and productivity.

To mark ‘International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia, Biphobia and Lesbophobia’ Nacro is sharing a ‘discussion panel’ it recently held with leading members of the trans-community which explored the everyday misconceptions, challenges and issues they face This event is also a celebration of the rich diversity and individuality of the trans community.

This discussion panel was produced in partnership with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Committee and Nacro’s Pride (LGBTQ+ Diversity Action Group) which is working tirelessly to create an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued, included and confident to be who they want to be.

Panel Guest Speakers include

Stephanie Richards, human rights activist, campaigner and founder of the website TransLuscent.

Marley Conte a passionate campaigner and advocate of trans and non-binary rights and provider of trans-inclusion workshops.

Emily Brothers, formerly the programme manager at the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Currently Westminster candidate for the Isle of Wight; if elected will be the first trans-woman ever elected to parliament.

Key topics/themes that the panel covers

  • Explore key terms and uses of language around gender, sexual orientation and trans identities;
  • Attain a deeper understanding of gender dysmorphia and the emotional and psychological toll this can have.
  • provide insight into the physical, social, cultural challenges and issues around transitioning in the work place;
  • achieve a greater understanding of self-identification versus the medicalisation of gendered identity;
  • identify and challenge unhelpful misrepresentations of transgender issues in the media and society generally.

Highlight the important role we can all play in providing a safe, supportive and caring environment for trans people in the workplace

Find out more about Nacro’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion