Totton College acquisition is second largest non-profit merger | Nacro *

Totton College acquisition is second largest non-profit merger


The Good Merger Index 2015/16 has announced that Nacro has achieved the second largest not-for-profit merger following the addition of Totton College to our education services.
Totton College provides vocational and technical qualifications, apprenticeships and access to higher education courses for 16- to 19-year-olds and adults in Hampshire.

Nacro education services provide personalised vocational courses for young people – equipping them with the skills they need to get into further or higher education – and work closely with employers to meet local demand and secure opportunities for progression into training and employment.

Totton College officially joined Nacro in December 2015.

The annual Good Merger Index monitors activity within the charitable and social enterprise sectors in order to determine strategic and financial best practice.

Nacro Chief Executive, Jacob Tas, said:

“This marks a key milestone for staff at Nacro who have been working hard to establish Totton College as an example of vocational education excellence within the Hampshire area.

“This also highlights the importance of seeking alternative operational models for vital public and voluntary services to not only continue in difficult economic circumstances, but to grow and thrive.”