Interim findings from Lammy Review | Nacro *

Interim findings from Lammy Review


Nacro Chief Executive, Jacob Tas, said:
“We welcome the interim findings of the Lammy Review, which shows worrying rates of bias against BAME groups at many stages of the criminal justice system from arrest through to prosecution in Magistrates and Crown courts.

“It is clear that more work needs to be done to understand why black men are three times more likely to be arrested than white men.

“The report also highlights the poor access to employment in prison or opportunities for release on temporary licence for BAME individuals, which have significant impact upon the success of rehabilitation and resettlement into the community.  Effective resettlement is at the heart of Nacro’s work, ranging from tailored support to secure stable housing, access to education and skills training and help in overcoming barriers to employment.

“We fully support the commitment to examine the criminal records regime as, in our experience, the current system can have an unnecessarily negative impact upon people trying to turn their lives around. 

“We look forward to the final review and recommendations in the New Year, and will continue to push for concrete solutions.”  

Read Nacro’s response to the Lammy review here.