In September 2022 the Justice Select Committee released a report looking at Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentences. The report made several recommendations to the Government on the management of those on IPP sentences and their futures. In February 2023, the Government responded, rejecting the recommendations from the report relating to sentencing and licensing conditions.
Nacro’s response
Campbell Robb, Nacro chief executive, said: “IPP sentences have been abolished. They are cruel and unusual punishment which blocks opportunity for rehabilitation. To not review the sentences of the 3,000 people still held on these sentences, with their lives in perpetual limbo is inhumane and the further rejection of every sentencing and licensing recommendation made by the Justice Committee is indefensible.”
What are IPP sentences?
IPP sentences were introduced to prevent some offenders being released if they were still considered a danger to the public. These sentences were abolished in 2012, however, nearly 3,000 people remain in prison having been given an IPP sentence. In some cases, individuals have been imprisoned a decade beyond the tariff for their original sentence, which could be as low as two years or less.
David Blunkett, who was the minister at the time IPP sentences were introduced, has since condemned the sentences, saying their introduction was a ‘failure of government’ and that the ‘obscenity must end.’
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