Nacro comments on Home Office Crime Strategy | Nacro *

Nacro comments on Home Office Crime Strategy


Speaking on the Home Office Crime Strategy published today, Nacro chief executive Jacob Tas, said:
“We welcome the government’s focus on crime prevention announced this morning. It is very positive that preventing crime is prioritised and connected to the Prime Minister’s Life Chances agenda.

“We are pleased that the Home Office has prioritised opportunity, the effectiveness of the criminal justice system, drugs and alcohol as key drivers of crime.

“However, we would urge the government to closely scrutinise the pattern of risks and disadvantage that that all too often result in crime. We would like to see better connectivity between the Ministry of Justice, Departments of Health and Communities and Local Government on key problems such as drug and alcohol addiction, poor mental health, family history of the criminal justice system, reoffending and growing levels of street homelessness.

“Too many people who get into crime struggle to get out of it, particularly following a period in custody. Helping people move forward is complex and tough. At a time of spending restrictions we must use resources more efficiently to invest in what works to stop cycles of crime that blight far too many individuals, families and communities.

“We hope that the government will work with unique charities like Nacro, delivering effective interventions across communities in England and Wales, to make this strategy into reality.”