Nacro 2020 wall calendars now available to order | Nacro *

Nacro 2020 wall calendars now available to order


Our 2020 Nacro wall calendar is available to order now. An essential reference guide for the year ahead, it features 2020’s key religious festivals, bank holidays and public holidays and will brighten up any room or workspace.

Price – £1.20 per calendar

Postage and packing:

  • 1 copy: £1.20
  • 2-5 copies: £1.80
  • 6-9 copies: £3.00
  • 10-20 copies: £3.60
  • 21-30 copies: £4.20
  • 31-40 copies: £5.40
  • 41-50 copies: £6.60
  • 51-100 copies: £12.00

*Prices inclusive of VAT

Place your order

Download the order form and send it with your cheque or PO to:
Communications, Brand & Design Team
Nacro, Walkden House, 16-17 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4SQ

Contact details:
T: 020 7902 5410