MoJ's announcement about tough new security in prisons | Nacro *
Man standing outside of prison, leaning against brick wall

MoJ’s announcement about tough new security in prisons


In response to the MoJ announcement regarding UK prisons set to receive innovative security investment, Nacro Chief Executive, Campbell Robb, said:
β€œWith record high levels of self harm and violence within our prisons, investment to improve security and tackle smuggling is essential, but it is not the only solution we need to truly tackle crime and reoffending.Β  We also need to reduce the numbers of people given prison sentences that are less than 12 months.Β  We already know that these people are more likely to reoffend than someone given a community alternative, and we must reduce the numbers of people going into our overcrowded prisons that simply cannot cope.

β€œWe have been calling for urgent investment to ensure that local authorities and NHS departments, voluntary organisations and businesses can work with government to ensure that the right support is in place within our local communities for people as they prepare to leave prison, and during their first few days and weeks after release to help them build new, crime free lives. Β This is where the focus must also lie.”

Read the announcement here.