Joint response to the Taylor Review and government response
In September 2015 Charlie Taylor was asked to lead a departmental review of the youth justice system for the Ministry of Justice – the Taylor Review.
In order to feed young people’s views and experiences into the review Nacro, along with Clinks and Peer Power, organised two consultation events for young people who had been involved in the justice system. A full write up was sent to the review team and discussions were included within Clinks’ response to the interim report.
Taylor’s final report was published in December 2016, together with the Government’s response.
In partnership with Nacro and Peer Power, Clinks today publishes a response to both reports.
“Make sure you get our voices heard and actually take them into account so that it makes a difference to people’s lives.” (Message to decision makers from a young person)
If you are interested in youth justice and would like to find out more about Nacro’s ongoing work in this area, or to access resources for practitioners, please visit the Beyond Youth Custody website.