GCSE Results Day 2023 | Nacro *

GCSE Results Day 2023


Across the country on Thursday August 24th, young people found out their GCSE results, including in our Nacro Education centres. He we share a few of their stories.

Elise Temple, Nacro Education Principal, said: “We’re so proud of the achievements made by our learners with their GCSE results today. Our dedicated students and staff have seen their hard work pay off. Being able to see our learners achieve the results they need to move onto the next stage of their lives is brilliant, we wish them all the best for the future.”


“I’m so happy, just over the moon, it’s taken me a couple of years, but it’s time so well spent,” said Cornell, one of the learners at Nacro Education Spalding who picked up his GCSE results today.

Cornell, aged 18, had a troubled mainstream education. He moved around a lot, and was excluded from multiple schools. He struggled with routine and felt confined by a strict curriculum. “I was a troubled kid who went through the system,” he says, “but Nacro, that’s been amazing for me, the small class sizes and understanding tutors have helped me so much.”

He gained a grade 5 in GCSE English and a grade 4 in GCSE Maths. He wants to join the local Trading Standards Board, so he can do work that will benefit the local community.

“You never know what you can do, until you try.” He says, “now I want to help the people where I live.”


“I did well at school, but I was forced to take time out from education when I had to move back to Hungary.” Says 18-year-old Zsolt.

“When I got back to the UK, I get getting told I was too old for the local college, it was really frustrating, then I got told about Nacro.”

After being referred to Nacro Education Bolton by his local Connexions service, Zsolt started studying for this GCSE English, GCSE Maths and Level’s 1 and 2 in Motor Vehicle.

“Nacro has been amazing, the class sizes are small so you get a lot of help and support from the tutors, you can really learn here.”

He hopes to start an apprenticeship training to be a mechanic in September.


19-year-old Katie gained a grade 4 in GCSE Maths after studying at Nacro Education Spalding.

Katie has two young children and has been juggling studying for her GCSE Maths and Level 3 Childcare with looking after them.

“It’s been hard, but Nacro have been brilliant, they can be really flexible and have given me so much support. The tutors really care about you, they want you to do well.” She said, “there’s less people in the classes, you can so much one-to-one help.”

Now she has her GCSEs and Level 3 Childcare, Katie has secured her dream job working at the local nursery, where she starts in September.


“I’ve done so much better than I thought I had, I’m so pleased,” says 18-year-old Jorja after achieving a grade 4 in GCSE Maths.

After a turbulent time in mainstream that included bullying and suffering from severe anxiety, resulting in missing learning, Jorja came to Nacro.

“It’s been so much better here than at college,” she said “I’ve been so supported and the tutors are so understanding of my anxiety and really help.”

“Nacro is much calmer and the class sizes are small so you get a lot of help and attention.”

She studied Level 1 Hair and Beauty alongside her maths, and is returning next year to continue with Level 2 Hair and Beauty and GCSE English. One day Jorja hopes to open her own salon.


Callum has been with Nacro Education studying for his Level 1 Motor Vehicle and GCSE Maths.

“Nacro has been a great place to learn, it’s really one-to-one and you just don’t get that in bigger colleges,” he said.

Callum left school at 16 and spent time out of education, training and work. He was referred to Nacro Education through his local Connexions service.

“I want to keep working now and gain my Level 2 Motor Vehicle and keep working towards being a mechanic in the future.”


Shannon joined Nacro last year after being bullied in school and seeing her attendance drop. Today, she got a grade 4 in her GCSE Maths.

“I’m so pleased, after missing so much school this is amazing, I wouldn’t have done it without Nacro.”

Juggling studying with the care of her 2-year-old, she found the flexibility and understanding of Nacro staff to be key to helping her succeed.

“They’re so great here, so down to earth and they really understand. I did my GCSE maths, Functional Skills and pastoral classes and it has helped me so much, I’ve really enjoyed it.”

Shannon is hoping to return to Nacro next year to continue her study and would love to work with horses in the future.


Budding musician Brandon didn’t enjoy school, he moved around a lot and didn’t settle.

He joined Nacro Education Middlesborough after being told about it by a friend who was attending. He chose to study for GCSE English and maths and Level 1 Motor Vehicle. Gaining a grade 4 in both this GCSE results day.

“I really liked how much time you got with the tutors, you really felt like they were there for you.”

Now he’s pursuing his dream of becoming a musician and owning his own record label. After being accepted to attend university to study Creative Musicianship, Brandon has chosen to take a year to do a foundation degree in Business before heading to university.


“Always friendly, always there to help.” That’s how 17-year-old James describes the tutors who helped him gain a grade 4 in GCSE Maths.

After considering military college, family struggles led him to wanting to stay closer to home and Nacro was recommended to him.

“It’s completely different to college, so calm, you get so much help, the people really make it enjoyable and engaging.”

James is heading to college to gain his Level 3 in Sport before pursuing his lifelong ambition of joining the Army.

“I want to join the Household Cavalry and train as a horse riding instructor, before maybe becoming an Army personal trainer later on,” he said.

“It’s been amazing at Nacro and I would recommend it to everyone.”


17-year-old Abbigayle followed in the footsteps of sister Chloe when she joined Nacro Education Sheffield.

“I am determined to do something with my life,” she says.

She has worked hard, dedicating time to independent learning, working hard in class and was rewarded with a grade 4 in GCSE Maths.

In September Abbigayle will be returning to Nacro to continue her studies, perusing Animal Care and working to pass her GCSE English Language so she can follow her dreams of going onto university to study Economics and Finance.