£100 million government investment to tackle crime
In response to £100 million government investment to tackle crime within prisons, Nacro Chief Executive, Campbell Robb, said:
“With record high levels of self harm and violence – investment to improve security within our prisons is important but it is not the only solution we need to truly tackle reoffending. We also need urgent investment to ensure that services within our prisons and local communities enable people to build new lives.
“Over three quarters of all crime that result in a caution or sentence are repeat offences committed by many people that have already been released from prison. The people we support upon their release from prison so often face an impossible struggle to turn away from crime because they are held back by homelessness, a lack of essential medication or health support, a lack of job opportunities or access to sufficient money to get food and the basics to survive.
“We have been calling for urgent investment to ensure that local authorities and NHS departments, voluntary organisations and businesses can work with the government to ensure that the right support is in place within our local communities for people leaving prison and those at risk of offending. This is where the focus should lie to help more people turn their back on crime once and for all.”