Level 2 Motor Vehicle Course in Sheffield | Nacro Education

Motor Vehicle Level 2

Course code: C003670

Course overview

The Level 2 Motor Vehicle course offers a varied and comprehensive qualification which looks at basic car maintenance and repairs. We offer an industry recognised qualification delivered through the Institute of the Motor Industry. Learners will leave with all of the skills and experience they need to support their progression in the motor vehicle industry.

What will I learn?

Motor Vehicle Level 2 is delivered in theory and practical workshops, covering health and safety, good housekeeping, materials and job roles within the automotive industry.


There are a range of units at Level 2 which can include:

• Routine light vehicle maintenance, including engine systems
• Inspecting, repairing and replacing light vehicle tyres
• Carrying out light vehicle four-wheel alignment


You will be required to complete a range of written assignments and online tests. You will also be required to demonstrate some skills while being observed by your tutor.

Work experience

You will do at least two weeks of work experience to support your studies, gain experience and potentially develop contacts with future employers. Our team will help you secure a work placement and will provide you with everything required for you to attend your placement.

Enrichment opportunities

There are a variety of enrichment opportunities on offer throughout the year, including trips and external visits.

Career and progression

On completion of the course, you could apply for a Level 3 course or apprenticeship in Motor Vehicle.

What makes our Get Set! courses different?

Each Get Set! course at Nacro Sheffield Education Centre is designed to accelerate your learning and enable you to identify and make progress towards your aspirations. We combine vocational learning with essential English and mathematics qualifications, enriching experiences and workplace encounters to equip you for career success.

Nacro Education Get Set! course image

Our Motor Vehicle Level 2 course at Sheffield has been crafted to enable you to:

  • Develop industry-specific skills through hands on vocational training.
  • Improve your English, maths, and digital literacy to strengthen your foundations for work and life*.
  • Participate in a range of work experience and employment opportunities to gain insight and additional knowledge.
  • Gain vital skills for the workplace including communication, problem solving, teamworking, interview practice and CV writing.
  • Participate in a range of activities, opportunities, team collaboration challenges and educational site visits that enable personal development through real experiences.

*GCSE/Functional Skills English and maths are only required if you haven’t already gained a level 4 or above.

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